Build In Public - Community Edition (Nov 2021)
Hey everyone 👋
Here’s a powerful quote to kick us off into the Thanksgiving week:
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.” - Melody Beattie
I’m grateful for many things this year including my son’s birth, the success of no-code fellowship I run at On Deck, and Gary Vee’s appearance on my podcast. There are millions of other micro wins I’ve had as well but one constant theme has been how incredibly supportive and helpful my audience (you!) have been. From helping with ideas, tool recommendations, intros to great people, the #buildinpublic community has shown to be a fantastic tribe to be a part of. THANK YOU for that!
With that said, get ready for November’s community edition highlighting key launches and wins from founders, makers, and creators in the #buildinpublic universe.
#buildinpublic LAUNCHES 🚀
Rinkesh Gorasia launched a community for learners at Upskill India.
@koffietiger just launched Cupboard, a great experience for coffee lovers.
Billy Rusteen and Luke Kim launched Lineup Advisor, which helps optimize fantasy football teams using crowdsourced data.
Sharan launched mindreps, helping people remember what they read.
Dhruv Bhatia launched Casa, helping startups build communities.
Massimo launched a weekly newsletter about product and growth in Spanish.
Salman launched Harriken, an education platform that connects teachers and students.
Prashil launched Makers, a collection of no-code tools and resources.
Abhimanyu launched Sypto, providing actionable buy and sell signals for crypto currencies.
Aaron Tan launched Workflow86, an operations automation platform.
Elena launched Snack TBH, a nutella alternative that is palm oil free.
@thenocodepro is building 30 Days of No Code, a platform that helps no-coders build software products.
Ryan Gilbert launched a newsletter called Workspaces.
Sejal launched Knewsletters to browse and read through handpicked newsletters.
Cam Birrell just launched LifeCase, helping couples capture their life’s important details.
A newsletter that shares chrome extension ideas was launched by Honey Syed.
Estel Studio has started it’s Build in Public page. They’re sharing their daily progress too!
Lucas launched Sentry, a bank for your collectibles.
Niko launched Tekstone, that transcribes audio files and summarize long reads.
Devyn Jonash launched, that helps create, remix and own a piece of web.
Tono Alvarez launched Fundlo, a startup acquisition market.
Charles Adjovu launched Distroid, a convergent newsletter providing updates on the alternative internet.
#buildinpublic WINS: 🏆
Huge shoutout to Tibo for crossing $20k MRR for his product TweetHunter.
A big win for Alex West as CyberLeads crosses the milestone of $5k MRR.
Shoutout to Jacky Tan as his products APITemplate and CraftMyPDF both of them combined have crossed $2k MRR.
Congrats to Pierre de Wulf and Kevin Sahin as ScrapingBee crosses huge milestone of $1M ARR.
Shoutout to Kilian Poulin as Mark Copy crosses the $4k MRR milestone.
Shoutout to Michael Novotny as Community OS reached the #1 product of the day on Product Hunt.
Thanks for reading 🙏
BTW, as a bonus for you, I’m offering my BUILD IN PUBLIC SWIPE FILE at a 50% price (now $24 as opposed to $49). The link is here, coupon code is HOLIDAYS.
As always, your feedback is welcome. Please hit reply and feel free to share what you think I can improve on.